My Internship at LÜTZE
School life in Salem is quite ordinary. I live in a nice wing, with a nice roommate. I also have an amazing class, especially a warm hearted desk mate. Most of the teachers are quite nice and helpful. People are crazy and funny but still friendly. We have lessons from Monday to Friday and normally three lessons a day. Each lesson lasts about 1 and a half hours. After lessons, students have their own personal schedules. Each has at least 3 AGs and one of them has to be sport.
School life in Salem is quite ordinary. I live in a nice wing, with a nice roommate. I also have an amazing class, especially a warm hearted desk mate. Most of the teachers are quite nice and helpful. People are crazy and funny but still friendly. We have lessons from Monday to Friday and normally three lessons a day. Each lesson lasts about 1 and a half hours. After lessons, students have their own personal schedules. Each has at least 3 AGs and one of them has to be sport.
For me, I have Art AG, Swimming, School band and Library AG for opening the school Library at a specific time. Additionally, I also have Nature Protection Service and personal Piano lessons on a Friday afternoon.
In tenth grade the life is actually more stressful then I expected. The work is more complicated, with more long term projects and less personal free time. Problems which are not that obvious or relevant in any other lower grades have become much tougher. In this way for me, letting go of bad moods and always remaining optimistic towards problems has become more and more important. Not surprisingly, it is hard to pursue personal hobbies when there is a lot of work. But as I am in Germany, it is always a voice that is shouting ‘Wir Schaffen Das’ in my heart.
Living abroad in Germany is two sided. On the one hand I get definitely more opportunity here, but on the other, I miss my home and I have more things to care about. It is not only a self-control challenge but also a challenge of being independent. I have to manage everthing while the others who have their home in Germany can leave that to their family. My roommate is German, she is younger than me. Her home is nearby (at least thousand times closer than mine). She doesn’t have jetlag with her family while I have 6 or 7 hours time difference with my parents. It is definitely easy to miss home.
Despite all this, I still strongly believe that the choice I have made is right and I am going to make it better. I believe in myself that I am definitely going to do this. The result is that I have started piano lessons again and insist on drawing. I am happy that I can play piano again now and I have improved vastly in drawing.